Real Sales order Notifications works automatcally So for real sales notifications you have nothing to do ,That work automatically. Fake Recant sales & sales count Notifications need to create if your store not getting any sales or less sales, But don't worry fake notifications look realistics It doesn't look fake, No one identify fake and real, Its only you know which one is real and which one is fake. So Here are instructions :

Recent Sales Fake Data Import:

First You need to open Notification created Recent Sales and Go to Settings  then you can See Data Button at Top Click There:

When you will click on data then It will go to there then Click on Button Import Data

When you will click on Import Data button then Popup will open ,  Key / Field Name  and value Options.  Key / Field Name  need to use Variables which are at Conversion Title.

For example Conversion Title Variables are : {billing_address.first_name} {billing_address.last_name} from {} {}

So In Each Key Fields will be used like :



In Value seaction each time import change customers first name , last name , city and country then submit.

See The live Notification here:

Sales Count Notification Import Fake Data:

Number of Total Sales you can increase at Sales Count Notification, First Click on Data then Click on Import Data , You will see Popup , At Key Field you can use any text like  Sales1 or Sales B whatever u want and in Value section each time enter 1 and then submit. Number of sales will be increased in Total count.