Register for Webhooks

Webhooks for events that occur on the user's site are dependent on OAuth and Permissions. If you haven't already set up OAuth and Permissions for your app, read this before you continue.
  1. Open your app in the Wix Developers Center.
  2. Go to Webhooks in the side menu (under Build Your App).
  3. Click + Add Webhook.
  4. Select a Webhook Category and a Webhook Event from the available options.
  5. Enter a Callback URL (When the event occurs, we'll send the webhook here).
  6. Make note of your public key. You’ll need this to verify the signature in any webhook you receive.

Go to Wix Developers Center  Click on :  , Login using Wix access then Click on My New App .

You will see Add Webhooks Click on Button Add Webhook button.